The D.O.T. Exam

The exam itself should take about 20-25 minutes but, there is some preliminary paperwork that will need to be completed before the exam begins.
The exam will be with a Certified Medical Examiner and follows the outline of the federal DOT motor carrier medical examination requirements. Your medical history will be reviewed and you will have an opportunity to discuss any medical concerns and conditions.
A routine urinalysis is part of the exam. This urine test is NOT a drug test but merely screens for potential problems like diabetes or kidney problems.
Upon successful completion of the DOT Medical Examination, you will receive your own copy of the CDL Medical Card. You should keep this card with you at all times. Upon request, we will give you a copy of the completed DOT card for yourself or your company.
The DOT physical costs $95 (pass or fail). We accept cash, local check, or VISA/MASTERCARD/AMEX/DISCOVER for payment.